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   Description: Get a mouse click from a specified object area
Mapped Command: WAIT EVENT <label>
FUNCTION __WaitForClick(label,deactivate,release,noflash)
   local handle  := __ScanObjects(label)         // get the handle for this object
   if __HandleInRange(handle) > 0                // if the handle is valid
      noflash := if(noflash == NIL,FALSE,noflash)  // are we going to flash the object on selection
      do while TRUE                              // loop until the region specified was clicked in
         if mstatus() == 1 .and. handle == mgethot()
            exit                                 // exit when the region is clicked
         endif                                   // if mstatus() == 1 .and. region == mgethot()
      enddo                                      // continue looping
      if deactivate
      endif                                      // if deactivate
      if release
      endif                                      // if release
   endif                                         // if __handleinrange()
RETURN("")                                       // return a blank label

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson